Tips to Working With Your Ex-spouse Through the Annulment Process
When it comes to marriage, getting an annulment is a process that provides a potentially damaging marriage with a way out. At Catholic Annulment, we provide annulment services for the Catholic Church that you can trust. Whatever your situation might be, we can help you move through the process with ease. If you are currently going through the annulment process or are considering starting the process, here are four tips to help you move through the annulment process. For more information about our services and how we can help you, reach out to us today!

Why Seek an Annulment?
Annulments are often compared to divorces, but they are not the same thing. While a divorce is the separation of a marriage, an annulment simply does not acknowledge that the marriage was ever legally viable. A divorce does acknowledge that the marriage existed, but it simply dissolves it. In addition, annulments are typically only allowed under certain circumstances whereas divorce is more open. At Catholic Annulment, we are certified by the catholic church to provide annulment services when it matters most. For any questions you have about annulments and how we can help you through the next stage of your life, reach out to us today.

Communicate Clearly
When it comes to working through your annulment, clear communication is a major key to moving through the process smoothly. From communicating concerns to talking through individual desires and wants, when you are working through the annulment process, it’s vital to voice your concerns. This helps your spouse understand your point of view and can help those in the church who are walking with you through the process. If you are looking for annulment experts in the Catholic Church, get started with Catholic Annulment today.

Talk Through Issues
Annulments usually take place during times of stress. In most cases this process takes place when it is discovered that one spouse hid something from the other, one spouse was coerced into the marriage, or something was legally wrong with the marriage in the first place. Because of this, there are often a lot of disagreements that need to be worked through. It’s important to address these issues both with your ex and those helping you work through the process. If you are looking for help with discussing these issues and for professional guidance through the process, reach out to us today.

Don’t Overthink It
It can be easy to get overwhelmed by the idea and process of an annulment. But don’t think too much about it. While getting a divorce tends to be a long, complicated process, annulments are not as complex due to the fact that the couple is not yet financially entwined and the marriage has not had time to develop. If you find yourself getting caught up in the annulment process, don’t overthink it! Take time to settle yourself and allow your ex to do the same.
No matter your situation, getting a marriage annulment with the Catholic Church is never a fun process. At Catholic Annulment, we are a group of current and former judges who are committed to helping couples through the annulment process. If you are going through the annulment process or are considering going through the process, we can help. As experienced legal advisors, you can trust us to walk alongside you through the whole process. For more information about our services or to have any questions you may have answered, reach out to us today.