Do I Need an Annulment If I Wasn't Married in a Catholic Church
Many people find it difficult to determine whether they need a Catholic annulment. In today’s blog post from Catholic Annulment - Second Chance, we are going to look at a few questions you can ask yourself when determining if an annulment is the right choice for you. Read on to learn more, and if you’d like to start the annulment process, reach out to Catholic Annulment - Second Chance for assistance.

Are You Catholic?
While many people who are not Catholic do get a Catholic annulment, if you are not Catholic and do not plan on remarrying within the Church, it’s unlikely that you’ll need an annulment. On the other hand, if you are Catholic, you may want an annulment whether or not you plan to remarry. This will help with the healing process, as well as leave the option of being remarried within the Church open in the future.

Do You Plan to Remarry?
If you plan to remarry within the Catholic Church, you will need an annulment from your first marriage. Whether your first marriage was secular, performed in another church, or took place in the Catholic Church, you’ll require an annulment if your second marriage will be within the Church.

Are You Looking for Spiritual Healing?
Catholic annulments aren’t just for the sake of being able to remarry in the Church. For Catholics who have gone through a divorce, an annulment may provide them with a healing and peace of conscience.

Let Catholic Annulment - Second Chance Answer Your Questions
If you are still unsure of whether an annulment is right for you, the team at Catholic Annulment - Second Chance can help. As a group of former and current Church Judges, our team knows the ins and outs of the annulment process and can help you every step of the way.
Learn More About Catholic Annulments
Are you interested in learning more about Catholic annulments and whether you need one? Contact the team at Catholic Annulment - Second Chance today and we’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.