
Catholic Annulment v. Civil Annulment

The world of annulments can be complicated, especially if you have no experience in dealing with them. If you’re in the midst of applying for an annulment, you may not quite understand the nuances and purposes of each type, which are helpful so you can ensure you’ve got everything you need to make the process move faster. In this week’s Catholic Annulment - Another Chance blog post, we discuss civil annulments and Catholic annulments, and the grounds for each.

Catholic Annulment - Another Chance specializes in assisting clients throughout the Catholic annulment process. Our former and current church judges have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to help expedite the process as much as possible and make things as easy as we can for you and your former spouse. Read this week’s blog post to learn more about the difference between civil and Catholic annulments and contact Catholic Annulment- Another Chance for help with the religious annulment process today!

What Is a Civil Annulment?

A civil annulment is a legal process in which a couple intends to have their marriage declared null and void by the court. A civil annulment is similar to a divorce in that, in order to obtain your annulment, you must file a petition with the courts which states that you feel your marriage should be annulled on specific grounds.

In most cases, civil annulments occur in marriages of short duration, which means that there is no property, child custody, or child support to worry about. However, in the case of longer marriages where these components are involved, they are all handled in the same manner they would be if the marriage had ended in divorce.

The civil annulment typically takes anywhere from four to six weeks. We recommend you contact a civil attorney to learn more about the legal grounds for a civil annulment.

What Is a Catholic Annulment?

Much like a civil annulment, a Catholic annulment is a process in which a married couple can elect to have their marriage ruled null and void. However, rather than in a civil court, a Catholic annulment takes place in the Catholic church, with members of the diocesan court determining whether the marriage can be determined null and void.

Depending on your particular situation, the Catholic annulment process can take only a few months or up to a year to complete.

It is important to note that in order to obtain a Catholic annulment, you must first obtain a civil annulment or legal divorce, which legally frees you from your marriage. A Catholic annulment, on the other hand, will ensure that your previous marriage is null and void in the eyes of the Catholic church, so you’ll be free to marry within the church again.

What Are the Grounds for a Catholic Annulment?

There are specific grounds on which a marriage can be ruled null and void in the Catholic church. Some possible grounds may include:

  • Lack of capacity in one or both of the parties –– including mental health conditions or a history of substance abuse
  • Lack of consent from one of the parties
  • Lack of formal Catholic proceedings

Basically, a Catholic annulment is what comes after your civil annulment or divorce. After you’ve dealt with the legal courts to obtain a divorce or annulment, you can then begin the process of petitioning for a Catholic annulment, and that’s where our team of professional current and former church judges comes in!

Choose Catholic Annulment - Another Chance

The annulment process can seem intimidating. There are many things to remember, lots of paperwork to fill out, and lots of time to be spent making sure everything is in order. Here at Catholic Annulment - Another Chance our specialized team is here to help!

We’ve got years of experience, paired with extensive knowledge on the subject, so we can help you make sure you’ve got proper documentation, acceptable witnesses, proper grounds, etc. Let our team help you with the Catholic annulment process –– reach out to Catholic Annulment - Another Chance today!