A Discussion About Divorce and Annulment
Oftentimes, individuals and ex-spouses come to us asking about the differences between Catholic annulments and divorce. While not the same exact thing, the two concepts do often get discussed together. In today’s post from Catholic Annulment - Second Chance, we are going to discuss the differences between an annulment and a divorce. Read on to learn more.

What Is a Catholic Annulment?
A Catholitc annulment is an investigation done by the Catholic Church to determine whether or not a marriage was a true marriage. This is done by investigating the marriage through statements from the spouses as well as witnesses who know the couple. If the marriage is found not to be a true marriage, it is then nullified by the Church. This allows the two individuals to remarry within the Church and find healing through the annulment process.

How Is it Different From a Divorce?
A divorce is a legal proceeding to end a marriage. A divorce tends to deal with which spouse will get certain possessions, child custody, and other legal matters. An annulment does follow a similar court-like proceeding; however, it’s intention is not to end a marriage, but rather determine if it was coventantal. An annulment is meant to help the couple heal and strengthen their relationship with God.

Do I Need an Annulment if I Get a Divorce?
This depends. If you plan to get remarried within the Catholic Church, you’ll need an annulment. This rule applies for both Catholics and non-catholics. Additionally, if you are a Catholic and seeking healing or peace of conscience after your divorce, you may also want to consider an annulment.

How Do I Prepare for an Annulment?
To prepare for an annulment, you’ll have to write a request and submit a Declaration to Nullify to the Church. Additionally, you’ll have to provide a list of at least two witnesses that the tribunal can call upon to question. The annulment process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months, or even a year. Hiring an authorized Church advocate and annulment preparation team to assist you, such as Catholic Annulment - Second Chance, can help the process go as smoothly as possible.
Don’t Go Through the Annulment Process Alone
If you are in need of an annulment, the team at Catholic Annulment - Second Chance can help. Contact us today and we’ll be there to guide you through the process from start to finish.